Volunteer Sign Up Lists
Please login here to using the login email address you used last year. If you are new to the team or do not use that email anymore you will have to click on the REGISTER WITH SUNSET RIDGE SWIM TEAM on the lower left side of this page. Follow the screens thru the volunteer selection, meet selection and payment pages by using the arrow.
Parent Volunteer Positions
You are required to work 3 points (each job has a point value) during the swim season and we will be glad to train. When you are on the www.tsaswimteam.com website signing up for a job there is a description of all jobs. Hover your mouse over the job title to see the description. No job is difficult to learn. Please do not be afraid to do a job. They really are all very easy. It is important that all volunteers are in attendance at the blue/gold meet to get trained.
NOTE: If you select Starter or Stroke and Turn Judge you will need to attend a brief clinic. Stroke and Turn can complete an online training if you have done it in the past. These clinics begin in early May and are held in various locations and times.
New this year: You must be SIGN UP for your 3 points before the 3rd Meet. If not, your child will not swim in the 4th meet. If not signed up before the 4th meet they will not swim in the 5th meet, etc.. This will help us to not have so many open positions at the last 2 meets and to make sure all families fulfill their obligations.
Changing your job: This is easy. Just go to www.tsaswimteam.com to delete your job for a meet and sign up for any open position at another meet.
Volunteer Duty Descriptions
(It's O.K. if you don't know how to do any of these. We will train you!)
- Clerk of Course – Very Important Position. This individual helps the swimmers line up as the coaches have assigned them. If a swimmer in the main heat swims out of his or her heat or in the wrong lane, he or she is automatically disqualified. Each team is responsible for one Clerk of Course per meet.
- Announcer – The only requirement is a good voice and a thorough understanding of the order of events. We need one announcer per home swim meet.
- Place Judges – There are six place judges for each meet and they only judge the main event heats. The judges determine the 1st through 6th place swimmers and handle any disputes about how the swimmers place. Each team provides three place judges per meet.
- Timers – Each timer is responsible for recording the swimmers’ times in their assigned lane and recording it on their time sheets or (in the case when a swimmer is from the opposing team) giving the time to the nearest timer from that team. Since half the lanes in the pool will be assigned to each team, the number of timers will vary according to the size of the pool. Our home pool has 10 lanes, but other pools where we swim may have 6 or 8 lanes.
- Recorder – This volunteer records the places in the main heat and submits the record to the official scoring table via a runner. We need one recorder for each home meet.
- Heat Ribbon Distributors – These individuals hand out heat winner and participant ribbons to the swimmers who did not swim in the main heats. We need two volunteers for each home meet.
- Ribbon Writers – These individuals take the place information from the scorer and record it onto the ribbons. We need two volunteers per home meet.
- Runner – One volunteer takes the heat sheet from the clerk of course to the recorder at the start of each main event. Another volunteer takes the heat sheet from the recorder and the DQ slips from the stroke and turn judges to the scorers’ table. Both periodically collect time sheets from our timers and take them to the data entry table.
- Scorer – This volunteer, as well as the scorer from the opposing team, is responsible for recording the swimmers’ times, placements, DQs and keeping a running tally of points per team.
- Starter – Very Important Position. This individual starts the races by running the starter equipment. We need one starter per home meet.
- Stroke and Turn Judges – The judges watch the swimmers and determine if they are properly swimming each stroke. The judges are required to attend an annual Stroke and Turn Clinic. Each team will provide one stroke and turn judge per meet.
- Kid Pushers – Involves chaperoning a specific age group at the meets and getting those swimmers in the proper order to the Clerk of Course in time for their event. We need fifteen parent supervisors per meet.
- Concession Sales – This involves monitoring the concession table during the home swim meets. The concession sales are a fundraiser for the team. We need three volunteers per home meet.
- Hospitality – This individual works with the concession stand to provide ice water and some snacks to volunteers from both teams during the swim meet. We need one volunteer per home meet.
- Garbage – empty filled trash cans during the course of the meet--no, it's not glamorous ... but appreciated!